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ada Semenanjung Bangka? Faktanya masa kini yang ada adalah Semenanjung Malaya. Semenanjung
Bangka adalah daratan yang bersatu dari Semenanjung Malaya hingga ke pulau
Bangka. Jika benar bahwa Semenanjung Bangka itu eksis di masa lampau, maka
narasi sejarah zaman kuno Nusantara harus dilakukan koreksi.

The Malay Peninsula (Malay:
Semenanjung Tanah Melayu) is a peninsula in Mainland Southeast Asia. The
landmass runs approximately north–south (N-S) and, at its terminus, is the
southernmost point of the Asian continental mainland. The area contains
Peninsular Malaysia, Southern Thailand, and the southernmost tip of Myanmar
(Kawthaung). The island country of Singapore also has historical and cultural
ties with the region. The indigenous people of the peninsula are the Malays, an
Austronesian people.The Titiwangsa Mountains are part of the Tenasserim Hills
system, and form the backbone of the peninsula. They form the southernmost
section of the central cordillera which runs from Tibet through the Kra Isthmus
(the peninsula's narrowest point) into the Malay Peninsula. The peninsula's
forests are home to thousands of species of animals and plants. Several large
endangered mammals inhabit the peninsula – Asian elephant (Elephas maximus),
gaur (Bos gaurus), tiger (Panthera tigris), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus),
Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and
siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus). The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus
sumatrensis) once inhabited the forests, but Malaysia's last rhinoceroses died
in 2019, and the species' few remaining members survive only in Sumatra. The
peninsula is home to several distinct ecoregions. The Tenasserim-South Thailand
semi-evergreen rain forests cover the northern peninsula, including the
Tenasserim Hills and the Isthmus of Kra, and extend to the coast on both sides
of the isthmus. The Kangar-Pattani floristic boundary crosses the peninsula in
southern Thailand and northernmost Malaysia, marking the boundary between the
large biogeographic regions of Indochina to the north and Sundaland and Malesia
to the south. The forests north of the boundary are characterized by
seasonally-deciduous trees, while the Sundaland forests have more year-round
rainfall and the trees are mostly evergreen. Peninsular Malaysia is home to
three terrestrial ecoregions. The Peninsular Malaysian montane rain forests
ecoregion covers the mountains above 1000 meters elevation. The lowlands and
hills are in the Peninsular Malaysian rain forests ecoregion. The Peninsular
Malaysian peat swamp forests include distinctive waterlogged forests in the
lowlands on both sides of the peninsula. (Wikipedia)
bagaimana sejarah Semenanjung Bangka? Seperti disebut di atas, Semenanjung
Bangka adalah daratan yang bersatu hingga pulau Bangka. Pendapat ini pernah
disampaikan oleh peneliti Belanda V Obdeijn tahun 1944. Lalu bagaimana sejarah Seemenanjung
Bangka? Seperti kata ahli sejarah tempo doeloe, semuanya ada permulaan. Untuk
menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan wawasan sejarah nasional, mari kita
telusuri sumber-sumber tempo doeloe..