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pigmi menyebut orang-orang bertubuh pendek, berasal dari bahasa Yunani
(pygmaios) via bahasa Latin pygmaei. Rata-rata tingginya sangat pendek orang
dewasanya tidak melebihi 150 cm. Pigmi yang paling dikenal adalah Aka, Efé dan
Mbuti di Afrika Tengah. Ada pula pigmi di Australia, Thailand, Malaysia,
Kepulauan Andaman, Indonesia, Filipina, Papua Nugini, dan Brasil. Istilah
"pigmi" dianggap peyoratif. Namun, tidak ada istilah penggantinya,
tetapi orang pigmi sendiri lebih senang disebut dengan nama kelompok etnis mereka
New Guinea Pygmies. AC Haddin. Nature volume 83, Published: 09 June 1910. Abstract In the last number of Country Life (vol. xxvii., p. 797) Mr. W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, under the running title of “The Expedition of the British Ornithologists' Union to the Snow Mountains of New Guinea,” published his fourth article, entitled “The Discovery of a Pigmy Race,” part of which appeared in the Times on June 3. All the information we have at present is that the expedition ascended the Mimika river, and at “an elevation of about two thousand feet they came across a tribe of pigmy people, of whom the tallest stood about four feet six inches, the average height being four feet three inches. Though at present no further details have been received except that they were extremely wild, there can be little doubt that they belong to that distinct division of the human race known as the Negritos.” Mr. Ogilvie-Grant added a short account, with illustrations, of the Semang, a Negrito people of the Malay Peninsula. (https://www.nature.com/)
Lantas bagaimana sejarah bahasa Pigmi bahasa Tapiro Pigmy di Mimika pantai barat Papua? Seperti disebut di atas di wilayah Mimika bagian pegunungan terdapat kelompok populasu pigmi. Kelompok populasi Negrito, Alifuren dan kelompok populasu Papua. Lalu bagaimana sejarah bahasa Pigmi bahasa Tapiro Pigmy di Mimika pantai barat Papua? Seperti kata ahli sejarah tempo doeloe, semuanya ada permulaan. Untuk menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan wawasan sejarah nasional, mari kita telusuri sumber-sumber tempo doeloe.Link https://www.youtube.com/@akhirmatuaharahap4982