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Chung Hwa Hui (1928–1942; 'Asosiasi
Tionghoa'), juga dikenal sebagai CHH adalah sebuah organisasi dan partai
politik pro-Belanda konservatif di Hindia Belanda (baca: Indonesia), yang
sering dikritik karena menjadi corong dari kalangan berkuasa Tionghoa kolonial.
Partai tersebut mengkampanyekan kesetaraan hukum antara etnis Tionghoa dan
orang Eropa di koloni tersebut, dan mengadvokasikan keikutsertaan politik etnis
Tionghoa di negara kolonial Belanda tersebut. Awalnya partai Chung Hwa Hui ini ada
organisasi mahasiswa Cina di Belanda yang aktivitasnya bermula di Belanda tahun
1910 saat mana di Belanda sudah terbentuk organisasi mahasiswa pribumi di
Belanda sejak 1908 (Indische Vereeniging).

Chung Hwa Hui (1928–1942; the 'Chinese Association'),
also known as CHH, was a conservative, largely pro-Dutch political organisation
and party in the Dutch East Indies (today Indonesia), often criticised as a
mouthpiece of the colonial Chinese establishment. The party campaigned for
legal equality between the colony's ethnic Chinese subjects and Europeans, and
advocated ethnic Chinese political participation in the Dutch colonial state. Founded
in 1928 after preliminary congresses through 1926 and 1927, CHH was loosely
associated with the eponymous Chung Hwa Hui Nederland, a Peranakan student
association in the Netherlands, established in 1911 in Leiden. Throughout its
existence, CHH was dominated by its founding and only president H. H. Kan, a
patrician doyen of the Cabang Atas. Members of the party's founding executive
committee consisted of other scions of the Cabang Atas, such as Khouw Kim An,
the 5th Majoor der Chinezen of Batavia, Han Tiauw Tjong and Loa Sek Hie, or
representatives of ethnic Chinese conglomerates, including Oei Tjong Hauw [id],
head of Kian Gwan, Asia's largest multinational at the time, and the Semarang
business tycoon Thio Thiam Tjong. Due to its elitist leadership, CHH was
referred to by critics as the 'Packard Club' after the expensive cars many of
its leaders used. The general membership of the political party was drawn largely
from Dutch-educated, upper and upper-middle class Peranakan circles. Chung Hwa
Hui was loyal to the Dutch East Indies and supported Indies nationality, but
campaigned vigorously for legal equality with Europeans for the colony's
Chinese subjects. To this end, the party advocated ethnic Chinese participation
in colonial Indonesian politics: until the Japanese invasion in 1942, the
majority of ethnic Chinese members of the Volksraad were CHH leaders. HH Kan
articulated in his Dutch maiden speech to the Volksraad in 1918 a position that
later came to define CHH. (Wikiepdia)
bagaimana sejarah partai Chung Hwa Hui di Indonesia (baca: Hindia Belanda)? Seperti
disebut di atas, partai ini awalnya sebuah organisasi mahasiswa Cina asal
Hindia di Belanda yang didirikan tahun 1911. Lalu bagaimana sejarah partai
Chung Hwa Hui di Indonesia? Seperti kata ahli sejarah tempo doeloe, semuanya
ada permulaan. Untuk
menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan wawasan sejarah nasional, mari kita telusuri
sumber-sumber tempo doeloe.